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Swara Logika Networks Routing Policy

1. Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs):

  • ASN: AS150480
    • Description: PT. Swara Logika Laboratory
    • Contact:
    • Policy:
      • Only AS paths originating from within AS150480 are allowed to be advertised externally.
      • Avoid transit ASNs, unless explicitly authorized.

2. IP Address Prefixes:

  • IPv4 Prefixes:
    • Prefix:
      • Description: Internal network
      • Origin ASN: AS150480
      • Policy: Advertise only to upstream providers and authorized peering partners.
    • Prefix:
      • Description: Public-facing services
      • Origin ASN: AS12345
      • Policy: Advertise globally to all peers and providers.
  • IPv6 Prefixes:
    • Prefix: 2001:df3:1040::/48
      • Description: IPv6 internal network
      • Origin ASN: AS150480
      • Policy: Advertise only to upstream providers and authorized peering partners.

3. Routing Policy Documentation:

Document the routing policy in a clear and comprehensive manner. Include details such as:

  • Overview of the network architecture.
  • Definitions of acceptable and unacceptable routing behavior.
  • Procedures for announcing or withdrawing prefixes.
  • Contact information for network operations and abuse reporting.

Important Considerations:

  1. Consistency: Ensure consistency between the documented routing policy and actual configurations on your routers.
  2. Regular Review: Periodically review and update the routing policy to reflect changes in network architecture, business requirements, and security considerations.
  3. Community Collaboration: Engage with regional and global network operator communities, and consider adopting industry best practices such as those outlined by Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS).
  4. Resource Certification (RPKI): Consider implementing RPKI to cryptographically verify the authenticity of your route announcements and prevent route hijacking.